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Selected Book Talks & Presentations

Dr. Gil G. Noam is an invited speaker by organizations across the country. Below is a selection of book talks about Ten Big Bets and relevant presentations about the impact of the pandemic on education. 


Supporting Child Caregivers Podcast

Gil Noam discusses his new book, Ten Big Bets on the SCC Podcast, explaining that there is hope in new flexibility and inspiration for our children's education after the pandemic.



Book Talk for Massachusetts Charter Association

Dr. Noam shares highlights from Ten Big Bets with the Massachusetts Charter Association.


Book Talk for National Summer Learning Association

Dr. Noam presents his work on Ten Big Bets and its application to summer learning for the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA).

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Meeting Social-Emotional Needs during COVID-19

In this presentation, hosted by TIES, Dr. Noam holds an open discussion about meeting the social emotional needs of our students, families and communities during the pandemic.


Crisis to Opportunity: Adjusting to the New Normal

In this presentation, hosted by No Limit Generation, Dr. Noam discusses why many of the changes of the pandemic are here to stay and how to find the opportunity in them.

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